Teaching & Learning @CUNY

Images that capture taking and teaching courses in New York City

“Teaching & Learning @CUNY” is a public art project to collect and display images of taking a class at CUNY .

All CUNY students and instructors can submit images to share their experience of teaching and learning across CUNY 26 campuses in New York City.

Nothing New

Nothing New

Everything is old. They never update anything at CUNY. Even with campus being closed for two years. I found this […]

The Mill

The Mill

I miss the Mill. Nice people used to work there. The manager used to dress up for Halloween. I miss […]

hand sanitizer dispenser on wall in a hallway

Keeping hands clean

Like an Alanis Morrissette song, I like keeping my hands clean. I like seeing these guys around. In a way […]

image of a hand with naipolish hoding a MTA metro card with plant in the background

stupid metrocard

Stupid metrocard, I keep losing you. I used to keep you in the back of my phone case, but then […]

office with desk, computer, and bookshelves. lighting is dim and there are no windows

No Windows

I worked for two years from my living room. I was able to look out the window, take a short […]

This project is facilitated by the Teaching and Learning Center at the Graduate Center, CUNY.